What is Mystery Science Theater 3000?
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (or MST3K for short) is a show from 1988 created by Joel Hodgson. It follows his character, Joel Robinson, who once worked for a company called Gizmonic Institute as a janitor. However, he was chosen as a test subject and shot into outer space in order to be subjected to terrible movies. The scientist Dr. Clayton Forrester (played by Trace Beaulieu) intended to use these terrible B movies to break Joel's spirit. Once the movie proved its worth in destroying one's conscious mind, he would release it on the public in order to rule the world.
I'm sorry, what?
That's right, this is the real premise of a series that has lasted 12 whole seasons, and is currently making episodes after 18 years of being off the air. The plot of this show was so ridiculous but that didn't matter at all. Despite its humble beginnings with the KTMA episodes, the show garnered an enormous cult following and has revolutionized its own brand of comedy. Using witty, childish, intelligent and wacky humor, it has become a titanic inspiration to comedians all across America, famous or not.
And Why are you Here?
I am creating this site because I love this show. I love everything about it, as it has captured my heart since I started watching it in its seventh season. After just watching a few episodes, I went back and watched hundreds of experiments, loving so many of them. Just like any shows, there are good and bad ones, but even the bad ones have their own certain charm that come with them.
So, What are you doing?
This blog is a passion project to release both reviews and articles based around MST3K and all of the branching facets that it produced. Rifftrax, Cinematic Titanic, and any other projects that were inspired by this monumental show, such as Agonywolf Media's love letter, Icognito Cinema Warriors XL. Everything related to Riffing other mediums and making them funny is up for grabs.
What is a Riff?
Riffing is a form of additional dialogue. Think of it as a parodying dialogue that can turn a serious situation into a hilarious scene. This audio can be put over anything from movies, shorts, video games, commercials and the like. Nothing is safe when it comes to riffing, and it all boomed into view with Joel Hodgson's original creation.